Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Time and Timing

The last couple of days, I've been avoiding the impulse to engage in stress-filled rushing to accomplish the number of small and seemingly not-so-small things on my list before we open on Saturday. Marvelously enough, I've been getting things done and have been enjoying the feeling of accomplishment that follows. I've been surprising myself with what I've been able to do. One seemingly large and intimidating thing that I have yet to accomplish is to figure out the flow of a microphone gag I'm performing in the circus show this summer and more importantly, how that flow will end. Despite being told not to worry, I still do.

Life has also dealt me a series of tidbits of observation and knowledge in the last couple of weeks that has impressed on me the idea that everything is about timing. Some things will line up eventually, some things won't. Some things will happen when you want them, some will be sooner or later, and some won't happen at all. Sometimes it sucks and some times you see the fortune that comes in not getting what you want when you want it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Extended Absence Pose

Or maybe I should have titled it "Extended Neglect Pose".

I've pretty much allowed myself to be caught in the maelstrom of transition with the end of my Japan stint and the return to the Twin Cities and finding a moving into and settling in a place. To be honest, I haven't even settled into my place, as there are still items in boxes and nothing hung on the wall. I did buy a few pieces of furniture and have a great couple of bookshelves and a nice, orange chair. I bought a car to replace my old one, which made me feel all adult.

I'm trying to find the value of this period. My yoga practice has fallen off yet again. Somehow all I have managed to do is lose muscle mass. Am I learning to settle without sloughing away? Am I learning to navigate different currents of my life? Or am I becoming lazy and complacent?

Maybe it's another practice in examination with as little judgment as possible.