Thursday, December 29, 2011

Poetry: The Importance of Being True to Self

Yesterday I remembered this poem that I'd written a few years ago. It dawned on me that it is along the same lines of what is – or should – get hammered home in yoga: it's most important to do your own yoga. Listen to your body, see what works best for you, make adjustments as necessary, don't do someone else's yoga.

Life as the Desert

Many a person has said to another:
“I miss you like the desert misses rain.”
or some form of this,
but what if we have it wrong?

What if it doesn’t miss rain at all?
Maybe it already tried being Caribbean beaches
or the Andes Mountains
or the snowfields of Greenland
and it just felt too strange –
somehow so wrong.

So it chooses to be arid
and to harbor cacti and lizards
and pebbles and rocks
and oases and the occasional mirage
and rainfall is simply its common cold
as it finds its bliss in being The Desert
instead of living a lie.

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