Monday, May 10, 2010

Returning, Returning

The past couple of weeks have found my feeling the next steps of progress back to my old physical self. Or technically a new physical self, since any way you slice it, I can't be the same as I was even a year ago.

I've been sleeping well, but my body feels different after sleep – not so rigid and rusty. The tightness and restrictions in my lower back and hips are receding. Plank and side planks feel like they used to, with almost no more shaking. Chair pose is deeper than it ever was before. I've been working slowly on a hand balance pose that is a great strengthener and solidifier for the core muscles.

I noticed the cumulative results a lot last week when I was waking up and procrastinating getting out of bed as I usually do. I felt that my lower body and legs seemed to be a bit more alive, energy-wise – not restless, but ready instead of restricted. I'm starting to feel more like myself physically. It's reinforcing the idea of patience and persistence in practice and I have been taking things from the perspective of recovery and recuperation, almost like going through physical therapy. Most of all, I now have the experience of the early stages of the results of reduced physical activity or reduced use of certain ranges of motion. This is an experience I can take with me in my practice and my future teaching experiences.

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